Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Blog @ Homeland Security: Morning Roundup - November 12th

The Blog @ Homeland Security: Morning Roundup - November 12th

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Electronic Billboard Advertising Brings Life to Twitter

Electronic billboard advertising is a great way to get your product noticed. In many cases, many different ads can be run off the same billboard. The same company can advertise different sales or products or events. Maybe you really want to get your twitter account going for your business and advertise a specific code on the bill board-maybe a free cup of coffee if they print the screen . This make sure that they are now following you on twitter and then you have a very targeted audience.

Maybe you want to put a simple coupon code on a billboard and then you can track the response off of that billboard. Coupons used with electronic billboard advertising are so ubiquitous today that it is difficult to image a time before they were so widely used. One of the earliest uses of coupons to drive sales was by Asa Candler, of Coca Cola fame. He began distributing coupons that were good for a free glass of his new drink. Company sales representatives and employees distributed the coupons and they were mailed to consumers and printed in magazines too.

Coupons that are used with electronic billboard advertising are really just an inducement for a consumer to buy a given product, and they are produced in every variation imaginable. The obvious intent of the coupon provider is to get the product into the hands of the consumer, and to produce and encourage future sales, usually at full price.

Electronic billboard advertising takes incentives of all kinds to a new level. It can work for you and your business.